Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, to those who still need love even though they’ve been hurt before.
Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate it but whenever it happens I just stop and think of you and say: How can I hate this world when you are a part of it
Love not one, love not two love the one who loves you true, love not three, love not four love the one who loves you more, love not five, love not six love the one who really sticks, love not seven, love not eight love the one who really waits.
Love is what I see in your smile. love is what I feel in every touch you give. love is what I hear in every word you say. love is what we share everyday. love You!
Devote time to enjoy, it’s the secret of youth. Devote time for friends, it’s the path to happiness. Devote time to love and be loved, it’s the source of pleasure.