I LOVE YOU are 3 words, But it takes: three seconds to read, three minutes to think, three hours to understand, three days to demonstrate, three weeks to explain, And whole life to prove it!
You must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, But You are not that good a thief because I know you have stolen it. May you always keep it safe with you!
When you love someone truly, you don’t look for faults, You don’t look for answers, You don’t look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
A special lunch for you is awaiting at the hotel of my Heart. The appetizer is a bowl of love to be savoured with a spoon of Care, accompanied with a pot of Happiness, to be relished with a dessert of friendship. Please settle the bill with . .. … a KISS!