Out of the 24 hours of the Day.
10 hours are for working,
8 hours for sleeping,
1 hour for eating,
1 hour for exercise,
And 4 hours for other activities.
But all the 24 hours, I miss you at all times!
God must be partial to have endowed a single soul with so much beauty, grace, panche, elgance and allure. If I ever have the luxury of dreaming of you, I bet I’ll be afraid of waking up because I wouldn’t want to lose You!
You are in my mind, You are in my thoughts, You are in my breath, You are in my feelings, You are in my dreams, You are in my prayer, Because you are my life. I miss you!
If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.
There’s no Special reason for this message, I just wanna steal a single moment out of your busy life and hope I can make you smile and say: I Miss You!