It’s not like that I miss You so much. It’s more like I miss Us being together! You are in my heart, mind and thoughts forever!Missing you Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMissing you SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Missing you You are missing me tooThe distance between us may be miles and years but it will not change the fact that I hope you are missing me too!
Missing you Tears don’t come when you missTears don’t come when you miss a person but they come when you don’t want to miss a person! Miss you, my love!
Missing you I wanted to write you a letterLast night, I wanted to write you a letter but all I could write was – noh ss!W ! It doesn’t make sense until you read it upside down!
Missing you Missing someone is not justMissing someone is not just the feeling, it’s also a reminder that one might be far but one is not away from the heart! Miss you, dear friend!
Missing you Miles and smiles are madeMiles and smiles are made from the same letters but a smile on your face keeps me happy even though I am miles away from you. Miss you, honey!
Missing you Missing you a lotSmall things that mean a lot: Cute texts, tight hugs, long replies, holding hands, remembering the little things and kisses on the forehead. Missing you a lot, sweetheart!