A lamp doesn’t speak, it simply introduces itself through its light. Achievers never expose themselves but their achievements speak for them!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Dogs bark if they don’t knowDon’t bother about people who judge you without knowing you. Remember, dogs bark if they don’t know the person.
Wise Don’t live your life with angerDon’t live your life with anger and hate in your heart because you’ll be hurting yourself more than the person you hate!
Wise Always love your selfHave a Fling with INNOCENCE, Romance with your DREAMS, Get engaged to SIMPLICITY, Marry HAPPINESS, Divorce your EGO, And always LOVE yourself!
Wise A woman’s loyalty is tested whenA woman’s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man’s loyalty is tested when he has everything!
Wise SMILE always convincesIf you can’t find the right words for certain situations, just give a smile. Words may confuse, but a SMILE always convinces.
Wise Patience is a great virtuePatience is a great virtue, we should learn from the Sun and the Moon. Both patiently wait for their turn and each one gets its chance to shine!