Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they have you. Not someone who’ll realize it, when they’ve lost you!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise When health is absentWhen health is absent: Wisdom can’t reveal, Art can’t manifest, Strength can’t fight, Wealth becomes useless, And intelligence can’t be applied!
Wise Be silent in two situationsBe silent in two situations. When you feel one can’t understand your feelings from words, and when one can understand without any words.
Wise When we can’t laugh againWhen we can’t laugh again on the same joke, Then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain!
Wise Common sense is a punishmentCommon sense is not a gift, it’s a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.
Wise Life salutes youLife laughs at you when you are unhappy, Life smiles at you when you are happy, But life salutes you when you make others happy.
Wise Be filled with love everydayHappiness comes not because we do great things, but because we do small things with great love. Be filled with love everyday.