Expect more from yourself than from others because expectation from others hurts a lot while expectation from yourself inspires a lot.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Worries and Tensions are like birdsWorries and Tensions are like birds. We cannot stop them from flying near us, But we can certainly stop them from making nest on our head!
Wise Begin your day with great confidenceConfidence comes naturally with Success, But Success comes only to those who are Confident. So begin your day with great confidence!
Wise Million reasons to SmileEnjoy your life, no matter how hard it may seem!!When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world that you have a million reasons to Smile.
Wise Success lies not in the resultSuccess lies not in the result but in the effort. Being the best is NOT at all important, doing the best is all that matters!
Wise Death is not the greatest lossDeath is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss is when the goodness dies inside us while we are alive!
Wise When there is a confusionWhen there is a confusion between your heart and mind, don’t listen to your mind because mind knows everything but your heart knows only you.