Life is the toughest school. you never know what class you are in, what exam u’ll have next and you can’t cheat because nobody else has the same question paper.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Place your feeble handsPlace your feeble hands on God’s able hands, then you can change problems into projects, tragedies into triumph and worst into best.
Wise You are three peopleYou are three people: 1)The one you think you are….[BODY] 2)The one others think you are….MIND] 3)The one you really are….[DIVINE]
Wise The happiness of our life dependsThe happiness of our life depends upon the quality of our thoughts. But the quality of our thoughts depends on the people one has in one’s life!
Wise Never feel all doors are closedNever feel all doors are closed in your life. All doors may not be locked, they may be waiting for your gentle push.
Wise Achievers never exposeA lamp doesn’t speak, it simply introduces itself through its light. Achievers never expose themselves but their achievements speak for them!
Wise Power and money are marvelousPower and money are marvelous sources if they remain in pocket but they are terrible masters once they enter the head.