Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that No longer serves you, Grows you, or Makes you happyWise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Your mind will push your thoughtsYour mind will push your thoughts, your thoughts will push your actions, while your actions will push your life.
Wise I can count the number of seedsI can count the number of seeds in the apple but I cannot count the no. of apples in a seed. Future is unseen so always hope for the best.
Wise Challenges are like treesChallenges are like trees seen through a running train. As you approach them they grow bigger, once you pass them they become smaller! So never be afraid of them.
Wise SMILE always convincesIf you can’t find the right words for certain situations, just give a smile. Words may confuse, but a SMILE always convinces.
Wise If you hate someoneIf you love someone, show it. It’s better than telling it. If you hate someone, tell it it’s better than showing it!
Wise Unsaid words become unheardWhen you want someone to understand your feelings – Remember, a person can’t know something you have not expressed! Unsaid words become unheard.