Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for those who bow themselves in front of hard work and confidence.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Whenever you share the goodnessWhenever you share the goodness in your heart, you always end up winning, because Life is an Echo. It gives back what you have given.
Wise Be filled with love everydayHappiness comes not because we do great things, but because we do small things with great love. Be filled with love everyday.
Wise Anger is a condition in whichAnger is a condition in which the tongue work faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except tongue.
Wise Ignore the peopleIgnore the people who’re always talking behind your back. That’s where they belong, just behind and making you famous.
Wise Happiness is hiddenLayman: How does one make beautiful idols from stone? Artist: Idols are already there. One just removes the unwanted stones. Happiness is hidden, just remove Worries!
Wise When we have the heart to forgetWhen we have the heart to forget those who made us smile, why cant we’ve the heart to forgive someone who made us cry.