When You are hurt and complain a lot, everyone thinks You are overreacting. But when you insist You are fine, people are worried You are lying.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise A sincere devotee asked GodA sincere devotee asked God and prayed: I want peace. God: Remove I that’s ego, remove WANT that’s desire, then PEACE is automatically attained.
Wise Coins always make soundCoins always make sound but the currency notes are always silent. So, when your value increases, keep yourself calm and silent.
Wise Good things happen only to othersWe always feel that good things happen only to others, but we always forget that we are others for someone else!
Wise Anger is a condition in whichAnger is a condition in which the tongue work faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except tongue.
Wise Every heart has a painEvery heart has a pain… only the way of expressing it is different. Fools hide it in their eyes, Whereas the wise hide it in their smile!
Wise Beware of EGOBeware of EGO: It’s a sword with two edges. Outer edge cuts your Popularity, While the inner edge cuts your Purity!