Your mind will push your thoughts, your thoughts will push your actions, while your actions will push your life.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Where there is a struggleWhere there is a struggle, there is a story, Where there is belief, there are miracles, And where there is truth, there is victory!
Wise Being a good person is likeBeing a good person is like a goal keeper. No matter how many goals you save, people will remember only that you missed.
Wise Some people can be meanSome people can be mean and treat you poorly. Don’t take it personally as it says nothing about you but a lot about them…
Wise Intelligence is like an UNDERWEARIntelligence is like an UNDERWEAR. It is important that you have it, But not necessary that you show it off!
Wise One should change one’s mindOne should change one’s mind to solve a problem. Because one cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it!
Wise Never feel all doors are closedNever feel all doors are closed in your life. All doors may not be locked, they may be waiting for your gentle push.