Tolerance is the highest degree of a person’s strength, and the desire to take revenge is the first sign of weakness. Good Morning!Good Morning Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Morning SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Morning Don’t waste your wonderful todayBeautiful tomorrow never comes, When it comes, it’s already today, In the hunt of beautiful tomorrow, Don’t waste your wonderful today. Good Morning!
Good Morning May you begin this day withMay you begin this day with a smile on your face, And with happiness for your soul to embrace. Good Morning!
Good Morning The only thing preventing meThe only thing preventing me from smashing my alarm every morning is the fact that it’s my phone. Good Morning!
Good Morning If one cries during troubleDestiny depends on the strength of one’s character. If one cries during trouble, it grows double, and if one laughs during trouble, it disappears like a bubble! Good morning!
Good Morning Don’t just count your blessingsDon’t just count your blessings. Seek them. Earn them. Treasure them. They are the jewels that light your path. Good Morning!
Good Morning If life on the Earth is temporaryIf life on the Earth is temporary what makes us think that our problems are permanent. Let’s enjoy every moment of it. Good Morning!