A bed of clouds for you to sleep,
Diamond stars as your bed side lamp,
Angels from heaven singing lullabies for you,
For you to sleep peacefully.
Good night!
Forget the things that make you sad, Remember the moments that make you glad, Forget the troubles that passed away, Accept the blessings that comes your way. Good night!
Hello! My name is Night. I came here to kidnap your stress, Kill your strain. My weapon is deep sleep and my path is Sweet Dream. So please kindly co-operate and handover yourself! Good Night, Sweet Dreams!
Mistakes increase your experience and experience decreases your mistakes. If you learn from your mistakes then others will learn from your success! Good night!
One must always welcome one’s problems, Because problems gives us dual advice. Firstly, one can know how to solve them, Secondly, one learn how to avoid them in future. And always have faith in God. Good night!