The reason why SEESAW was made for two people is so that when we go down, there would always be someone to lift us up again. Good Night!Good Night Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Night SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Night A bed of clouds for you to sleepA bed of clouds for you to sleep, Diamond stars as your bed side lamp, Angels from heaven singing lullabies for you, For you to sleep peacefully. Good night!
Good Night Problems are like MoonProblems are like Moon. It may increase one day, Decrease on some other day And sometimes, it’s totally invisible. So no point worrying. Good Night!
Good Night Life’s cruelest ironyLife’s cruelest irony: The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself… Good Night!
Good Night Good Night RestaurantWelcome To Good Night Restaurant, Menu: Soft Pillow, Warm Blanket, Clean Bedsheets, Sweet Dreams, Sound Sleep, Have a great visit. Good Night!
Good Night Before going to bedBefore going to bed: Always forget the things which makes you worry, And remember the things that makes you feel happy. Good Night!
Good Night Rain falls becauseRain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight, Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain. Good Night!