Every organisation is like a tree full of monkeys. Ones at the top can only see monkeys below them and ones at the bottom see only assholes above them.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Only once in your lifeOnly once in your life you will get a right person with whom you will get married, so, till than keep enjoying with the wrong Ones!
Funny Silly horror movie dialogueSilly horror movie dialogue: Hey, anybody there? As if the ghost gonna reply, I am in the living room! Want a drink?
Funny They say so many people dieThey say so many people die because of alcohol.. Perhaps they never realized how many of them are born because of it.
Funny It’s really weird that a womanIt’s really weird that a woman who can spot a hair on your coat from 10 yards can’t see a pair of garage doors!
Funny Tip to reduce alcohol consumptionTip to reduce alcohol consumption: Before marriage drink only on the days when you are sad, after marriage drink only on days when you are Happy!
Funny The way petrol prices are increasingThe way petrol prices are increasing , it shall eventually be cheaper to just hire people to push your car.