Income Tax Officer: You should pay your taxes with smile. Young Lady: I have tried it thrice, but every time they insist on cash or a cheque.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Enter PASSWORD to touchEnter PASSWORD to touch my heart, WRONG Password! You have touched my feet. Anyway, God Bless You!
Funny It was so cold last winter thatIt was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer walking down the street with his hands in his own pockets.
Funny A retired sergeant was askedA retired sergeant was asked: Well, how do you like civilian life? Terrible, he said gruffly, all those people around and nobody in charge!
Funny Millions of gallons of alcohol is leftEvery year millions of gallons of alcohol is left behind in bars. Before you leave, you must finish it. Drink Responsibly!
Funny Dear Optimist, Pessimist andDear Optimist, Pessimist and Realist, While you were arguing about the glass of water, I drank it. Sincerely, The Opportunist
Funny A little boy opens the doorA little boy opens the door and looks at his sister’s boy friend and asks innocently, Every day you come to meet my sister, don’t you have your own sister?