How can you tell the rain not to fall when clouds exist? How can you tell the leaves not to fall when the wind exists? How can you tell me not to fall in love when you exist?
A bell isn’t a bell, till you ring it, A song is no song till you sing it, And love in your heart isn’t there to stay, Love isn’t love, till you give it away!
Once a five year old asked her big brother, What is love? He replied, Love is when you steal my chocolate from my school pack everyday, and I still keep it in the same place!
One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a relationship, one touch can show love and care and one person like you can make life worth living. God bless you dear!
I miss you when something really Good happens, because you are the one I want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because you are the only one who understands me. I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you are the one who makes my…