Your words are Antibiotic, Your smile is Analgesic, Your touch is Anti-inflammatory, Your presence is Antiseptic, And your messages are Antipyretic. That’s why I never fall ill but I have fallen in love with you!
Finding love is like finding shoes. People prefer the party shoes to daily wear, but they always turn out to be happy with the ones they feel comfortable at all times i.e., daily wear.
You’ll always be mine for now and forever. you will always be mine for you are my treasure. you will always be mine please tell me its true. Please be mine forever. I’ll always love you
A bell isn’t a bell, till you ring it, A song is no song till you sing it, And love in your heart isn’t there to stay, Love isn’t love, till you give it away!
You want and you get, that’s luck, you want and you wait, that’s time. you want but you compromise, that’s life. And you want and you wait and you don’t compromise that’s LOVE.