Never be afraid to try something new. Remember amateurs built the Noah’s Ark and professionals built the Titanic!Motivational Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMotivational SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Motivational If you hang out with chickensIf you hang out with chickens, You are going to cluck, And if you hang out with eagles, You are going to fly.
Motivational Not dreams but night changesNot dreams but night changes, Not destiny but path changes. Always keep your hopes alive, luck may or may not change, but time definitely changes!
Motivational No one can win a game of ChessNo one can win a game of Chess by moving forward only. Sometimes one has to move backward also to get better move!
Motivational A person who doubts himself makesA person who doubts himself makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it!
Motivational The one who wins without troublesThe one who wins without troubles gets victory, But the one who wins with a lot of troubles gets glory!
Motivational Pain makes you strongerPain makes you stronger, Tears makes you braver, Heartbreak makes you wiser, So thank the past for a better future!