Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, small people talk about others and legends never talk, they send SMS.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny A history teacher and his wife wereA history teacher and his wife were sitting at a table. The wife asked. ‘Anything new at work?’ He replied, ‘No, I’m teaching History.’
Funny Unlike others your brainUnlike others your brain is a masterpiece. In the left half, nothing is right and in the right half, nothing is left.
Funny It is easier to harass rich womenWhy are there many more organisations against fur clothing than against leather clothing? Because it is easier to harass rich women than bikers!
Funny How do you identify a true musicHow do you identify a true music lover? A man when hears a woman singing in the bathroom, puts his ear to the keyhole instead of his eye!
Funny A rich blonde girl was walkingA rich blonde girl, was walking by the river in the wild. Suddenly, she saw a crocodile. She screamed, ‘Oh my God! Help! Lacoste!’
Funny What is the height of flirtingWhat is the height of flirting? It’s When your love letter starts with: TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN