A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Richest wealth is wisdomRichest wealth is wisdom, Best security is faith, Greatest tonic is laughter, Strongest weapon is patience. And Surprisingly all are free!
Wise Always love your selfHave a Fling with INNOCENCE, Romance with your DREAMS, Get engaged to SIMPLICITY, Marry HAPPINESS, Divorce your EGO, And always LOVE yourself!
Wise Not all fingers are the sameNot all fingers are the same length, But when they bend all stand equal. Thus life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations!
Wise Difference between Worry andDifference between Worry and A worried person focuses on the problem, While a concerned person focuses on the solution!
Wise Ignore the peopleIgnore the people who’re always talking behind your back. That’s where they belong, just behind and making you famous.
Wise Beauty gets you attentionBeauty gets you attention, Personality gets you the heart, Truth gets you love, And lies get you distrust.