A student writes a letter via telegram to his dad. It goes… No fun, send mon, your son! Dad write back saying…so sad, too bad, your dad!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Vodka is made from potatoes1. Vodka is made from potatoes. 2. Potatoes are vegetables. 3. Vegetables are good for health. Need I say more!
Funny Contemporary Best friendContemporary Best friend: When 1 farts, the other says, ‘Dude this is not fair, you had a momo and you didn’t tell me!
Funny I’m going on emotional strikeHeart: I’m going on emotional strike. I’ll no longer produce any feelings without proper compensation.
Funny Seeing a cockroachSeeing a cockroach in your sandwich is not a problem but seeing only half part of the cockroach in your sandwich is surely a big problem.
Funny I fell in love with him atGirl: I fell in love with him at second sight. Friend: Never heard of love at second sight? Girl: At first sight, he was crossing the road and on the second sight, he got into his Audi!
Funny A foolish man tells a woman toA foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that she looks extremely beautiful when her lips are closed !