Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise As we sail through lifeAs we sail through life, don’t avoid Storms and Rough waters, just let it pass… Sail on! Because Calm Seas will never make Skilled Sailors. Good day!
Wise It’s important to create HeavenIt’s not important to go to Heaven after we leave. But it’s important to create Heaven in someone’s heart before we leave.
Wise Time decides who you meetTime decides who you meet in life, Your heart decides whom you want in life, And your behavior decides who will stay in your life.
Wise Their problem is the same butWhen it rains all the birds fly for shelter but eagle alone avoids the rain by flying above the clouds. Their problem is the same but their attitude differs!
Wise Who can tell you the truthThere are only two people, who can tell you the truth about you… A friend who has lost his temper and an enemy who starts loving you.
Wise Sometimes people are nothingReality of Life! Sometimes people are nothing. You make them something and when they become something, they feel that you are nothing.