Q: Why do men fart more often than women? A: Because women do not keep their mouth shut long enough to build up the pressure.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny A young man asks a kind priestA young man asks a kind priest: Father is it a sin to sleep with a girl? Father: No my child but the problem is that you guys never sleep.
Funny Vodka is made from potatoes1. Vodka is made from potatoes. 2. Potatoes are vegetables. 3. Vegetables are good for health. Need I say more!
Funny Consequences of American lifeConsequences of American life style: The wife rushed into house screaming to her husband: Darling, Come quick! your kids and my kids are beating our kids.
Funny Only two types of communicationsOnly two types of communications are the fastest in the world . .. … From email to email, And female to female.
Funny The difference between a pigeonThe difference between a pigeon and an investment banker? The pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.
Funny This is an ideal spot for a picnicThis is an ideal spot for a picnic, said the husband. Yes, it must be, replied his wife. A million insects can’t be wrong!