A seed while growing makes no sound! A tree while falling makes huge noise! Destruction has noise, creation is quiet. So be quiet and be creative!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise If you want to get over a problemIf you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind!
Wise A sincere devotee asked GodA sincere devotee asked God and prayed: I want peace. God: Remove I that’s ego, remove WANT that’s desire, then PEACE is automatically attained.
Wise We do not smile becauseWe do not smile because we are happy, we are happy because we smile! A smile is inexpensive way to improve your looks. So, Keep smiling.
Wise Be grateful that you have a glassIt doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half full. Be grateful that you have a glass and there is something in it!
Wise When things go wrongWhen things go wrong, getting UPSET does not help, But getting UP to SET things right always makes life a lot easier!
Wise Life is the toughest schoolLife is the toughest school. you never know what class you are in, what exam u’ll have next and you can’t cheat because nobody else has the same question paper.