Flirt with your understandings, get engaged to compassions, marry simplicity, honeymoon with genuineness, and divorce the ego,
that’s the way to live life.
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours, whether to become a Victim or a Victor!
Enjoy your life, no matter how hard it may seem!!When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world that you have a million reasons to Smile.
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours, whether to become a Victim or a Victor!
Enjoy your life, no matter how hard it may seem!!When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world that you have a million reasons to Smile.
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours, whether to become a Victim or a Victor!