A girl returned home from a party and told her mother a young man had kissed her. How many times did he kiss you? asked her mother.
Looking up into his face, the girl replied: Mother, I came to confess, not to boast!
A motorist was helping his extremely fat victim to rise. Couldn’t you have gone around me? growled the victim. Sorry, said the motorist, sadly. I wasn’t sure whether I had enough gasoline!
Every organisation is like a tree full of monkeys. Ones at the top can only see monkeys below them and ones at the bottom see only assholes above them.
Tension happens in brain and love is felt in heart. Then why do people get heart attack when they are tensed and why people get mad when they are in love?
A scientist went to a drug store and asks the pharmacist, Do you have any Acetylsalicylic Acid? You mean aspirin? asked the pharmacist. That’s it. I can never remember that word.