A girl returned home from a party and told her mother a young man had kissed her. How many times did he kiss you? asked her mother.
Looking up into his face, the girl replied: Mother, I came to confess, not to boast!
A motorist was helping his extremely fat victim to rise. Couldn’t you have gone around me? growled the victim. Sorry, said the motorist, sadly. I wasn’t sure whether I had enough gasoline!
The girl’s father inquired of his prospective son-in-law, Do you drink? The smart boy retorted, Sir, first tell me whether it is a question or an invitation?
The world’s ending and we still don’t know as to who let the dogs out, what is love and who the fuck is Alice? And the guys don’t even know about Victoria’s Secret Damn it!
Sometime my mind asks why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember you? Then my heart answers it’s simply because mental patient needs more care.
A guy went for an interview at a big IT company today for the position of a Computer Hacker. The boss asked him, So, what makes you suitable for this job? Well, he replied, I hacked into your computer and invited myself to this interview!