I saw you on road today. you were looking so fine, your face so divine, your walk so perfect. My heart started singing a sweet song: Who let The dog out!
Good News! Please forward this to maximum number of people you know, may be it proves useful to someone in your contact. Whosoever wants Petrol @ Rs 6 a liter can go to the following place: National Iran Gas Company: Markezi, Iran
A man died and went to heaven. God was surprised to see his heart still beating. God asked him, how come? The man replied, I’m dead but my wife still lives in my heart. The man was sent to hell for over-acting!
No matter how high the sky is, how deep the ocean is, how strong the wind is, how wide the river is, I just wanna tell you… it’s none of your business.
A woman telephoned her local newspaper to let them know that she had just given birth to 18 children. The reporter didn’t quite hear the message and said, Would you repeat that? Not if I can help it, replied the woman.