Alcohol is the worst thing in the world. My friend had a lot last night and ended up saying – I love you to his own wife!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage She’s probably slightly upsetYou can tell a lot about a woman by her hands, If they are placed around his hubby’s throat, she’s probably slightly upset.
Marriage Husband again says sorryTruth of Life: Husband makes a mistake, wife shouts and husband says sorry. Wife makes a mistake, husbands shouts and wife cries, and husband again says sorry.
Marriage Laughing at your own mistakesLaughing at your own mistakes can lengthen your life, But laughing at your wife’s mistakes can shorten your life!
Marriage Marriage Age 18Marriage Age 18. Drinking Age 25. Can someone ask the damn politicians how to survive the first 7 years of Marriage?
Marriage 20% of marriages in this countryIt is a sad fact that 20% of marriages in this country end in divorce. But hey, the remaining end in death. You could be one of the lucky ones!
Marriage If you never want to see a man againIf you never want to see a man again, say: I love you, I want to marry you, I want to have children – they leave skid marks.