Alcohol is the worst thing in the world. My friend had a lot last night and ended up saying – I love you to his own wife!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Why do couples hold hands duringWhy do couples hold hands during their wedding? It’s a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!
Marriage When wife and children go for a vacation3 men are arguing about When life begins? 1st: At the time of conception 2nd: At the time of birth 3rd: When wife and children go for a vacation!
Marriage When you touch to feelWhen you touch to feel, it’s desire, When you don’t touch and still feel, it’s love, When you touch and still don’t feel, .. .. .. It’s your wife!
Marriage True friends stand behind youTrue friends stand behind you during your bad times. Do you want a proof? Check out your marriage album. you will find that all your friends standing behind you
Marriage Is there any way for long lifeMan: Is there any way for long life? Dr: Get married. Man: Will it help? Dr: No, but the thought of a long life will never come to you again!
Marriage The four dangerous weaponsThe four dangerous weapons in the world: 1. Wife’s Smile 2. Wife’s Tears 3. Wife’s Looks And the forth most dangerous is Wife’s Missed Call!