Secret formula for married couples:Love One AnotherAnd if it doesn’t work, bring the last word in the middle!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage A man is the head of theA man is the head of the family and the wife is the neck. The neck turns the head exactly the way it wants.
Marriage I was trying to say somethingWife : You are extremely impolite. All the time I was talking, you were continuously yawning… Husband : I was not yawning, I was trying to say something!
Marriage I tried Internet datingI tried Internet dating, but I quickly realized it wasn’t for me when they matched me up with my wife!
Marriage Married life is so easyMarried life is so easy. It’s just like a walk in the park. BUT the problem is: . .. … that the park is Jurassic!
Marriage Why are wives more dangerousWhy are wives more dangerous than the Mafia? The mafia wants either your money or life… The wives want both!
Marriage The secrets of a happy marriageThe secrets of a happy marriage: Open Tools, Go to Internet Options, Clear History, Delete Files, Delete Cookies.