At 18 a lady is like a football, 22 men behind her, at 28 a basketball, 10 men behind her, at 38 a golf ball, 1 man behind her, at 48 a TT ball, 1 man pushing her to the other.
A newly wedded desperate soldier sends a hand-grenade to his mother-in-law, with a note: Dearest Mom, If you pull this ring, I’ll be able to get 3 days leave.
Look at the world around you, you will see God’s creativity. Look at the breakfast table, you will see God’s providence. Look at the mirror you will see God’s sense of humor.
Boss to an employee: Do you believe in life after Death? Employee: Certainly not! There’s no proof of it, he replied. Boss: Well, there is now. After you left early yesterday to go to your uncle’s funeral, he came here looking for you.