Girls are funny creatures. They hate it when you ask their age, But will kill you if you forget their birthday!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny I said to a fat girl todayI said to a fat girl today, You are a big girl! She replied, Tell me something I don’t know. I said, Salad tastes good.
Funny A little girl was frantically prayingA little girl was frantically praying in the Church: Oh God! Please make Moscow the Capital of China! The priest enquired: Why must you pray so, my child? Girl: That’s what I have written in my answer sheet in the examination!
Funny Steve Jobs’ last wordsSteve Jobs’ last words: Please note that . .. iPill is not our product and iPad is not a sanitary napkin!
Funny You know what College meansYou know what College means? C: Come O: On L: Let’s L: Love E: Each G: Girl E: Equally So every boy goes to College.
Funny Who has the time to put on clothesSanta: I eat my salad without dressing. Banta: For health reasons? Santa: No. It’s because once hungry who has the time to put on clothes.
Funny So always Brush your TeethDream makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, love makes everything beautiful, Smile makes all the above… So always Brush your Teeth