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Funny The Chinese obsession for makingThe Chinese obsession for making fake products is their revenge on the rest of the world for making fake Chinese food.
Funny May our friendship turn into silverMay our friendship turn into silver, silver into gold, gold into diamonds… and may our diamonds be forever… Then we’ll sell it OK? Fifty-Fifty
Funny I heard that good looks can killI heard that good looks can kill. So, please don’t look at me. . .. … I don’t wanna see you die!
Funny Next generation KindergartenNext generation Kindergarten poem: Chatting Chatting? Yes Papa! Girlfriend setting? No Papa! Telling lies? No Papa! Open your Whatsapp. Ha ha ha…
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Funny A Law Professor asks a StudentA Law Professor asks a Student: Which is the most important LAW of Finance for Starting a New Business? The Student replies: Father-in-Law
Funny The Chinese obsession for makingThe Chinese obsession for making fake products is their revenge on the rest of the world for making fake Chinese food.
Funny May our friendship turn into silverMay our friendship turn into silver, silver into gold, gold into diamonds… and may our diamonds be forever… Then we’ll sell it OK? Fifty-Fifty
Funny I heard that good looks can killI heard that good looks can kill. So, please don’t look at me. . .. … I don’t wanna see you die!
Funny Next generation KindergartenNext generation Kindergarten poem: Chatting Chatting? Yes Papa! Girlfriend setting? No Papa! Telling lies? No Papa! Open your Whatsapp. Ha ha ha…
Funny Everybody talks about findingEverybody talks about finding the one that makes their heart skip a beat. But I’m not looking to develop a heart problem.
Funny A Law Professor asks a StudentA Law Professor asks a Student: Which is the most important LAW of Finance for Starting a New Business? The Student replies: Father-in-Law
Funny The Chinese obsession for makingThe Chinese obsession for making fake products is their revenge on the rest of the world for making fake Chinese food.
Funny May our friendship turn into silverMay our friendship turn into silver, silver into gold, gold into diamonds… and may our diamonds be forever… Then we’ll sell it OK? Fifty-Fifty