How do you identify a true music lover? A man when hears a woman singing in the bathroom, puts his ear to the keyhole instead of his eye!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny It’s really weird that a womanIt’s really weird that a woman who can spot a hair on your coat from 10 yards can’t see a pair of garage doors!
Funny A Solid reason for having two girlfriendsA Solid reason for having two girlfriends at one time: Monopoly is always damaging and Competition improves service!
Funny I changed husbandPreeto: Oh, wow! You have a new car, a new mansion, new clothes and new jewellery! Your husband has changed jobs? Jeeto: No, I changed husband!
Funny I’m expensiveBoy: Are You Single? Girl: No, I’m Plural. Boy: No, I mean, are you free this Friday? Girl: No, I’m expensive!
Funny She caught me kissing my wifeBoss to his Friend: The times are really bad… my Secretary resigned yesterday. Friend: Why? Boss: She caught me kissing my wife!
Funny News of the World will emailI’m unable to answer my mobile phone at the moment, but if you leave a message, the News of the World will email it to me later.