How do you identify a true music lover? A man when hears a woman singing in the bathroom, puts his ear to the keyhole instead of his eye!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Beggar: I’m the author of a bookBeggar: I’m the author of a book called 150 Methods to Become Rich. Man: Then why are you begging? Beggar: This is one of the best methods!
Funny Problem with boysProblem with boys: They make you think they love you, when they don’t. Problem with girls: They make you think they don’t love you, when they do.
Funny Instead you could have posted itPostman: I have to come five miles to deliver you this packet. Santa: Why did you come so far. Instead you could have posted it.
Funny Colour of your underwear reflectsColour of your underwear reflects your mood: Red: Wild Black: Sexy Blue: Romantic Pink: Seductive White: Calm Yellow: Time to change it…
Funny Don’t waste time thinkingDon’t waste time thinking about your past or future. Better kill some mosquitoes so that you can sleep better!
Funny Dream man will come on a horseFinally, it is a dream come true for all eligible girls, the dream man will come on a horse, thanks to the petrol prices!