Another Moon?… Possible Another Sun?… Possible Another Sky?… Possible Another person Like you?… Impossible Because God can’t make the same Mistake twice.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny you weren’t made in ChinaFake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake smile. Girl, are you sure you weren’t made in China?
Funny Drink and Drive should not beDrink and Drive should not be a problem now. After all, how many will be able to afford alcohol and petrol on the same day.
Funny I’m expensiveBoy: Are You Single? Girl: No, I’m Plural. Boy: No, I mean, are you free this Friday? Girl: No, I’m expensive!
Funny Pray to God so you can liveYou should do two things in the morning…Pray to God so you can live and have a shower so others can live.
Funny Acquaintance: So have you sold anythingAcquaintance: So have you sold anything since you took up writing full-time? Writer: Yes. My car, the TV and a couple of items of jewellery…
Funny Getting married on a FridayDo you believe that getting married on a Friday brings bad luck ?Of course, why would Friday be an exception?