Good News! Please forward this to maximum number of people you know, may be it proves useful to someone in your contact. Whosoever wants Petrol @ Rs 6 a liter can go to the following place: National Iran Gas Company: Markezi, Iran
Boss to an employee: Do you believe in life after Death? Employee: Certainly not! There’s no proof of it, he replied. Boss: Well, there is now. After you left early yesterday to go to your uncle’s funeral, he came here looking for you.
Statistics show that 25% of women in the world are on medication for mental illness… That’s bloody scary, it means 75% are moving around with no medication at all!
Good News! Please forward this to maximum number of people you know, may be it proves useful to someone in your contact. Whosoever wants Petrol @ Rs 6 a liter can go to the following place: National Iran Gas Company: Markezi, Iran
Boss to an employee: Do you believe in life after Death? Employee: Certainly not! There’s no proof of it, he replied. Boss: Well, there is now. After you left early yesterday to go to your uncle’s funeral, he came here looking for you.
Statistics show that 25% of women in the world are on medication for mental illness… That’s bloody scary, it means 75% are moving around with no medication at all!