Life is the way how one looks at it.
When it comes to ‘livetogether’ –
Couples read it as Live together,
Some take it as Live to gather,
And Boys conider it as Live to get her!
True love is like a pillow, you can hug when you are in trouble, you can cry when you are in pain and you can embrace when you are happy. So when you need true love: spend Rs 100 and buy a pillow.
Why is there an ‘Eject’ button on the DVD remote? In any case, one still has to get up and take the disc out. It’s like having a remote to open the fridge!
A man was granted 2 wishes by God, He asked for the best drink and the best woman ever. Next moment, he got mineral water and Mother Teresa. Moral: BE SPECIFIC!
How could a mere tap on the shoulder startle you so? demanded the customer angrily. I am sorry, replied the taxi driver, I have recently started driving a taxi. For years I used to drive a funeral van.