Q: How do you know when a woman is going to say something intelligent? A: When she starts her sentence with, ‘My husband told me.’Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny News of the World will emailI’m unable to answer my mobile phone at the moment, but if you leave a message, the News of the World will email it to me later.
Funny Behind every successful manBehind every successful man there is a woman! So if you aspire to be more successful, increase the number of women behind you proportionately. Look, it’s so simple!
Funny Silly horror movie dialogueSilly horror movie dialogue: Hey, anybody there? As if the ghost gonna reply, I am in the living room! Want a drink?
Funny A solicitor is reading out his client’sA solicitor is reading out his client’s will. And to my grasping nephew Smith: I always said I’d mention you in my will, so… Hi, Smith!
Funny Alcohol contain female hormonesAlcohol contain female hormones. Proof: Men gain weight, talk unnecessarily, become extra emotional and stupid, start fighting without any reason.
Funny Don’t marry and make a womanThought for the future generation: Don’t marry and make a woman happy. In fact remain a bachelor and make several women happy.