Roses are red, Violets are red, Tulips are red, Bushes are red, Trees are red, OhFunny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny If you love somethingIf you love something set it free. If it doesn’t come back, . .. … …. hunt it down, hit it with a stone and drag it back home!
Funny A girl returned home from a partyA girl returned home from a party and told her mother a young man had kissed her. How many times did he kiss you? asked her mother. Looking up into his face, the girl replied: Mother, I came to confess, not to boast!
Funny They say so many people dieThey say so many people die because of alcohol.. Perhaps they never realized how many of them are born because of it.
Funny Silly horror movie dialogueSilly horror movie dialogue: Hey, anybody there? As if the ghost gonna reply, I am in the living room! Want a drink?
Funny Black boy very romantically askedOn a dark night near an ocean in Africa, a black boy very romantically asked his black girlfriend, . . . . . . Darling, are you there?
Funny Beggar: I’m the author of a bookBeggar: I’m the author of a book called 150 Methods to Become Rich. Man: Then why are you begging? Beggar: This is one of the best methods!