Telling a lie is a fault for a little boy, an art for a lover, an accomplishment for a bachelor and a Matter of Survival for a married man. Good Luck!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Try going out naked tomorrowBeauty isn’t measured by outer appearance and what clothes we wear, but what we are inside. So, try going out naked tomorrow and see the admiration!
Funny News of the World will emailI’m unable to answer my mobile phone at the moment, but if you leave a message, the News of the World will email it to me later.
Funny Faithful husband will go straightBest advertising line: Faithful husband will go straight to heaven and unfaithful husbands will enjoy heaven on Earth. Choice is yours…
Funny Who is a PsychiatristWho is a Psychiatrist? A qualified person who gives you an expensive and critical analysis about yourself, which your spouse gives you for free, daily.
Funny Give me keys of bothAmerican: Oh God Give me a room full of gold. Russian: Oh God! Give me a room full of diamonds. Indian: Oh God! Give me keys of both the rooms
Funny Why did Saddam Hussein attackWhy did Saddam Hussein attack Kuwait?He had an Arabic baby-sitter, who always used to say ‘Keep Quwait, Keep Quwait’.