In a class room. Girl: Who gets more angry, boys or girls? Boy: Girls. Girl: How? Boy: If I kiss you, you’ll get angry, But when you kiss me, I’ll never get angry.
A man was taking an examination for a car driving license, and one of the question asked was: What would you do if the driver of a car ahead moved arm up and down? Man or woman?, asked the applicant!
In a class room. Girl: Who gets more angry, boys or girls? Boy: Girls. Girl: How? Boy: If I kiss you, you’ll get angry, But when you kiss me, I’ll never get angry.
A man was taking an examination for a car driving license, and one of the question asked was: What would you do if the driver of a car ahead moved arm up and down? Man or woman?, asked the applicant!
In a class room. Girl: Who gets more angry, boys or girls? Boy: Girls. Girl: How? Boy: If I kiss you, you’ll get angry, But when you kiss me, I’ll never get angry.