Why did Saddam Hussein attack Kuwait?He had an Arabic baby-sitter, who always used to say ‘Keep Quwait, Keep Quwait’.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny An Appraisal discussionAn Appraisal discussion: Manager: This is your revised salary, keep it confidential. Employee: Don’t worry, I am equally ashamed of it!
Funny Practice makes man perfectGreat Saying: Practice makes man perfect. Then what about women? . .. Don’t strain yourself so much. They’re born perfect!
Funny Please give me a glass of waterBoy: Mom, please give me a glass of water. Mom: You come and drink it yourself. Boy: Please Mom… Mom: If you repeat, I’ll slap you. Boy: When you come to slap me, bring water for me!
Funny I am on a light dietI am on a light diet: I eat in daylight I eat in moonlight And sometimes, I eat in refrigerator light!
Funny Enter PASSWORD to touchEnter PASSWORD to touch my heart, WRONG Password! You have touched my feet. Anyway, God Bless You!
Funny Income Tax and a Caller TuneWhat’s the similarity between Income Tax and a Caller Tune? . .. … In both the cases, one pays the money and others enjoy.