You know what College means? C: Come O: On L: Let’s L: Love E: Each G: Girl E: Equally So every boy goes to College.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny They forget to mention moronsScientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forget to mention morons.
Funny I’m getting tired of writingI’m getting tired of writing Sent from my iPhone at the end of all my e-mails. Maybe I should just . .. … …. get an iPhone!
Funny Customer: There is only one piece of meatCustomer: There is only one piece of meat in my plate. Waiter: Don’t worry, Sir! I will cut it in two.
Funny Drink and Drive should not beDrink and Drive should not be a problem now. After all, how many will be able to afford alcohol and petrol on the same day.
Funny Roses are red violets are blueRoses are red violets are blue, monkeys like you should be kept in zoo. Don’t feel angry you will find me there too, not in cage but laughing at you.
Funny You are probably a womanFool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me eight times, You are probably a woman.