People say marriage brings spice, tears, happiness, flavour and taste to life. Personally, I believe Paani Puri does a better job.Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage She’s probably slightly upsetYou can tell a lot about a woman by her hands, If they are placed around his hubby’s throat, she’s probably slightly upset.
Marriage Some people can’t decideSome people can’t decide whether weekdays are hectic or weekends. These people are called… Married men.
Marriage Marriage makes a man dizzyThey say that marriage makes a man dizzy, and it’s true. As soon as I got a wife, I lost my balance at the bank.
Marriage I should have married a devilWife: I should have married a devil. Even, he would have made a better husband than you. Husband: But honey, marriage between relatives is morally considered wrong in our culture!
Marriage If you are able to read thisWritten behind the back of a biker’s T-shirt: If you are able to read this, it means my wife has fallen off… please inform me!
Marriage How to take major decisionsHow to take major decisions of life? First think from your heart, Then think with your mind, And then do as your wife says!