People say marriage brings spice, tears, happiness, flavour and taste to life. Personally, I believe Paani Puri does a better job.Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Marriage is the only UnionIn most cases, Marriage is the only Union that can’t be organized.Both sides think they’re……THE MANAGEMENT!
Marriage If wife wants husband’s attentionWhat a contradiction? If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad and uncomfortable, But if husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable and happy!
Marriage If you keep losing your hairWife: If you keep losing your hair at this speed, I shall divorce you. Husband: Oh my God! And I was stupid enough trying to save them!
Marriage Listening to your WAGs is likeListening to your WAGs is like reading the Terms and Conditions of a website. You don’t understand anything, still you confirm . .. … I Agree!
Marriage 4 Stages of marriage4 Stages of marriage: Mad for each other. Made for each other. Mad at each other. Mad because of each other.
Marriage Marriage is like a casinoMarriage is like a casino. You go in all excited and optimistic, And you stumble out broke, drunk and talking to yourself!