Irritating Wife: Shall I put the kettle on? Indifferent Husband: OK, but it won’t go with that skirt!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage To keep your marriage brimmingTo keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, Whenever you are wrong, admit it and whenever you are right, shut up!
Marriage People say marriage brings spicePeople say marriage brings spice, tears, happiness, flavour and taste to life. Personally, I believe Paani Puri does a better job.
Marriage Interviewer: What is the best thingInterviewer: What is the best thing about your wife? Husband: She has a problem for every solution.
Marriage It’s a day when a man stops doingHoliday: It’s a day when a man stops doing what his Boss wants and starts doing what his Wife wants!
Marriage The successful marriage dependsThe successful marriage depends on one simple equation: Wife having Beauty Secrets and husband having Secret Beauties.
Marriage That You are a MALE and MARRIEDWhen you develop the ability to listen to anything unconditionally without losing your temper or self confidence, it means . .. … that You are a MALE and MARRIED!