Every man needs a beautiful wife, intelligent wife, caring wife, loving wife, sexy wife, adjusting and cooperative wife, but it’s sad that law allows only one wife.
Wife to Husband: Did you have any girlfriend before marriage? The husband remains silent… Wife: What is the meaning of silence? Husband: Wait. Let me count!
Marriage is that relation between man and women in which, the Independence is equal, the Dependence mutual and the Obligation reciprocal. Best wishes for Happy Wedding Anniversary.
Girlfriends are like chocolates, taste Good anytime. Lovers are like PIZZAS, Hot and spicy, eaten frequently. Husbands are like Dal RICE, eaten when there’s no choice
A son asked his mother, Why are wedding dresses white? She replied, It shows your friends and relatives that the bride is pure. Then the son went and asked the same question to his father. All household appliances come in white, said his father.