Girl anounced her engagement. Father: Does this fellow have any money? Girl: Oh! Daddy, you men are all alike, that’s exactly what he asked me about you!
Life is the way how one looks at it. When it comes to ‘livetogether’ – Couples read it as Live together, Some take it as Live to gather, And Boys conider it as Live to get her!
Two friends were attending a boring lecture. 1st friend: It’s so boring, even my bum has fallen asleep. 2nd friend: I know, I heard it snoring 3 times.
Girl anounced her engagement. Father: Does this fellow have any money? Girl: Oh! Daddy, you men are all alike, that’s exactly what he asked me about you!
Life is the way how one looks at it. When it comes to ‘livetogether’ – Couples read it as Live together, Some take it as Live to gather, And Boys conider it as Live to get her!
Two friends were attending a boring lecture. 1st friend: It’s so boring, even my bum has fallen asleep. 2nd friend: I know, I heard it snoring 3 times.