A history teacher and his wife were sitting at a table. The wife asked. ‘Anything new at work?’ He replied, ‘No, I’m teaching History.’Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny It’s difficult to understand GodIt’s difficult to understand God, He makes such beautiful things as women and then he turns them into wives!
Funny I hate it when people point toI hate it when people point to their wrists to ask for the time! I mean, seriously, do I point to my crotch when I need to go to a Restroom?
Funny Notice at a ChurchNotice at a Church: Don’t leave your Purse/Watch/Handbag/Mobile/GIRLFRIEND unattended. because others may think it’s an answer to their prayers.
Funny A boy goes to see a cabare danceA boy goes to see a cabare dance. His mom gets angry and asks him: Did you see anything there that you were not supposed to see? Boy: Yes, I saw dad.
Funny Colour of your underwear reflectsColour of your underwear reflects your mood: Red: Wild Black: Sexy Blue: Romantic Pink: Seductive White: Calm Yellow: Time to change it…
Funny Whoever answers my next questionTeacher: Whoever answers my next question can go home. Pappu throws bag out of the window. Teacher: Who threw that? Pappu: Me, I’m going home.