Alcohol does not make you fat. It makes you lean . .. … against tables, chairs, floor, walls and ugly people!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny A little girl was frantically prayingA little girl was frantically praying in the Church: Oh God! Please make Moscow the Capital of China! The priest enquired: Why must you pray so, my child? Girl: That’s what I have written in my answer sheet in the examination!
Funny Start your day with a lot of SEXAlways start your day with a lot of S E X S-mile E-nergy X-citement so make SEX a daily habit, and you will always be SMILING!
Funny What would confuseWhat would confuse a mentally challenged person? Answer: A pineapple. Confused…? I knew you would be!
Funny If couples who are in loveIf couples who are in love are called ‘Love Birds’, Then couples who always argue, should be called ‘Angry Birds’.
Funny American LifestyleAmerican Lifestyle: Daughter: Sorry Dad, I got married yesterday. Forgot to invite you. Dad: You naughty girl! It’s OK but don’t forget me next time!
Funny They say so many people dieThey say so many people die because of alcohol.. Perhaps they never realized how many of them are born because of it.