Dog is truly a man’s best friend. If you don’t believe it, just try this experiment: Lock your dog and your girlfriend in the boot of the car for an hour. When you open the boot, which one is really happy to see you?
A newly wedded desperate soldier sends a hand-grenade to his mother-in-law, with a note: Dearest Mom, If you pull this ring, I’ll be able to get 3 days leave.
Consequences of American life style: The wife rushed into house screaming to her husband: Darling, Come quick! your kids and my kids are beating our kids.
Only three living beings are immune to cold: 1. Polar bears 2. Penguins 3. Females wearing sleeveless and backless dresses in marriages during severe winter.
A doctor implanted a new ear in a patient. Man: Wat you did 2 me, you gave me a woman’s ear. Doctor: It makes no difference, both are the same. Man: No, it does. Now I can hear everything but understand nothing.